Music Making with Rhymes – Scaffolded Composing in Primary School
PDF’s of 34 Rhymes Worksheets with notation scaffolding, plus Teacher’s Notes $20
16. Making music with rhymes

New repertoire enabling teachers to introduce melodic composition to Primary School students – arranged sequentially, in both simple and compound time, using rhythmic elements from Ta through to Syn-co-pa.

The 35 original call and response rhymes in this collection are presented as
child/teacher friendly worksheets, carefully designed to scaffold young children’s earliest melodic compositions. Each rhyme is presented in rhythmic/stick notation to which children add the letter-names of the melody as they compose.

The call and response and/or other repetitive structure of each rhyme enables the class to explore the piece in a variety of groupings eg. Teacher/whole class, vocal/body-percussion, individual/small group. Repeated motifs allow the children to easily memorize the rhyme and its rhythmic features.

Students can then experiment with and compose their own melodies – pentatonic or limited pitch at first – to fit the rhyme and its now familiar rhythmic structure. The process itself and the emerging song is an intrinsically rewarding experience. Students will quickly take ownership of their melodic creations – their own musical compositions.


Overview Matrix PDF
Cover + Intro + Process + The Nitty Gritty

EXAMPLES of Rhymes / Worksheets:
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Rode My Giraffe PDF

Composing in Primary School – Using a Given Rhyme